Why do we transplant hair in  Iran?

Hair transplant is much in demand in Iran and this has enabled Iranian hair transplant surgeons to build on their experience and expertise in this procedure. Also, the highly affordable hair costs of hair transplant and other costs in Iran is a great reason to opt for the country instead of other destinations. in a word, because of the very bald people in Iran , we are very experienced in planting hair. You can telegram me at the following telegram address : https://telegram.me/KashteMooy  it is the telegram of our hair transplant team. You can send me a message on the telegram for a visit and estimate the cost of hair transplant. You must have 5 photos of your head and send it to me so that we tell you how much is  the cost of your hair transplant.  5 photos should show  the front, beside, back and top of your head.




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